Flourish and Grow
A Monthly Newsletter for Inspiration, Information, and Wellness by Katie Beecher, LPC, Medical & Spiritual Intuitive
A Monthly Newsletter for Inspiration, Information, and Wellness by Katie Beecher, LPC, Medical & Spiritual Intuitive
By communicating with the spirits of babies (in utero, in spirit, just born, and not yet conceived) and tuning into the bodies and energy of parents and prospective parents, I…
Check out this new podcast! I was recently interviewed by Lindsey Elmore on her show about the power of boundaries and their impact on your physical, emotional and spiritual health.…
There is a lot more about physical, emotional and spiritual thyroid health in my book Heal from Within. Happy to help you individually as well during one of my unique…
Have you experienced loss in your life that has left you feeling overwhelmed and alone? Do you still feel guilty when you think of your loved ones? You are not…
Is it time for a follow-up or perhaps your first reading with me? For a limited time, you can use this discount code for $35 off for either type of…
Check out my latest podcast interview on Meredyth with a Why. Lots more podcasts and articles on the press page of my website www.katiebeecher.com. Also still time to sign up…
https://www.eventbrite.com/e/787934933597 Join Susan Allen Medium and Katie Beecher for Psychic Mediumship and Intuitive Readings. Susan and Katie create a sacred space to share messages, energy, and love from your loved…
Please join Susan and me for this amazing event. It was so much fun last time and we look forward to providing you with more incredible readings. Sign up today.…
There are many reasons for health anxiety, often based on feeling like you will never get better, never be helped, seen or heard and feeling like your body has control…
For TWO DAYS only, November 24 and 25, use this code for $50 off a Mind, Body, and Spirit Intuitive Reading. This transformational experience comes with a four page report,…
My medical and spiritual intuitive readings are described as a “year of therapy in an hour”. Just one session will begin to significantly transform your life, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.…
I remember the day I finally decided to ask for help. What could only be divine intervention stepped in and my 16-year-old self called our pediatrician and told him that…
I will be meeting with a very small number of people on a weekly or bi-weekly basis, depending on your needs and my availability, at a greatly reduced cost from…
https://frommourningtolight.com/FMTL3_Katie Are you struggling in your grief? We experience grief over more than just death and we all express it differently. Are the emotions you’re feeling complex and overwhelming at…
Great reminder! Sending love and healing. xoxo
I'm really excited about this first-time collaboration! Join acclaimed medium Susan Allen and me for a very fun event, where we will be doing mini-readings live. Learn about yourself and…
Love to have you join us for this special event. Only $35. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/psychic-and-intuitive-readings-with-susan-allen-medium-and-katie-beecher-tickets-501697118587?aff=ebdsoporgprofile&fbclid=PAAabTG6MKhJcfu6xPeB7avlDWzOEfBi30mbDluvZKIO9_WXSYR-gSoCDiSgU
Happy New Year!!! Sending love, prosperity and healing to everyone. My newest article for Mystic Living Magazine: Why Connection to Your Body is so Important. More information on this…
Happy Holidays to all of you! For the month of December I am offering special prices for my full Medical and Emotional Intuitive Readings with report and painting, Reading with…
Anyone who has read my book Heal from Within knows that I have had more than my share of experiences with a dysfunctional family. It didn't happen overnight, but I…
Enter the drawing for a ONE HOUR virtual intuitive consultation with me It is very simple to enter. Write an Amazon review for my book Heal from Within: A Guidebook…
I'm pleased to announce that the winner of the free 30 minute reading is Sydney Sherman. Thank you to everyone who entered. I'll be doing another drawing soon. You asked…
Now offering a 30 min intuitive session for $199. Please email me to see if your issue(s) can be addressed in this shorter session and to make an appointment. Limited…
98% of books sell fewer than 5,000 copies in a lifetime, so I'm very excited! I truly appreciate everyone who has purchased the book and hope you are enjoying and…
Self-care doesn't have to be a balancing act. Try these tips for thinking about it differently. Also, check out my Press page for new podcasts! https://blog.koraorganics.com/easing-into-self-care/ Want more tips on…
https://shiftnetwork.infusionsoft.com/go/ims22a24852/a24852 MY PRESENTATION IS CALLED "LOOKING AT SYMPTOMS DIFFERENTLY: THEY ARE NOT OUR ENEMIES". How well do you understand your body’s subtle, unique communication style? Would you like to feel…
Labels are confusing and often deceiving. How can you know what is best for your body? In this short video, I share important information to help you navigate the overwhelming…
Hypermobility can present as a group of what seems like unrelated, common symptoms. It is rarely diagnosed, but that doesn't mean it's a rare disease. It can impact 20% of…
Still time to sign up for the Heal from Within workshop this Sunday in New York City! Hope you will join us. Only $67 or $77 day of. Sign up…
This is my book's newest review. Check out Amazon to read more reviews and an excerpt! https://amzn.to/391Z0bU 5.0 out of 5 stars Best resource in my holistic healing toolbox Reviewed in…
Announcing two new workshops, one virtual and one in person, both very inexpensive. Through creative activities and exercises we will learn my exclusive medical intuitive techniques for connecting with intuition…
Check out this new article in Wild Times Magazine. Please let me know what you think. https://wildtimesmedia.com/are-your-physical-or-emotional-issues-actually-spiritual-issues-in-disguise/ Looking forward to my virtual workshop on May 7 from 3-6 PST. Early…
The reviews from my previous workshop at Omega Institute are in and they are fabulous! You now have the opportunity to participate in a workshop online, from anywhere in the…
I'm so excited to be teaching this online course! It's a five-part series that will be recorded, so you can watch and participate from anywhere in the world and catch…
Through The Rowe Center. Registration is required for both programs. Participate from anywhere in the world. All sessions will be recorded so if you can't attend one, you can watch…
https://www.eomega.org/workshops/heal-from-within If you have already signed up, thank you and I look forward to working with you! I am incredibly excited to be hosting a week-long workshop at Omega! Every…
Use this link to sign up and learn more: https://www.eomega.org/workshops/heal-from-within If you haven't already signed up, thank you and I look forward to working with you! FYI (Please don't shoot…
Hope you enjoy it. Happy to answer any questions! https://www.mysticmag.com/psychic-reading/katie-beecher-interview/