I called Katie after being sick for over a year and a half. I went to four different doctors and specialist and none of them could figure our what was going on. They just wanted to treat my symptoms.
I’m not sure what lead me to Katie but I’m so glad I called her. After talking with her for a short while she told me I had Lyme Disease. I told her that I was told that probably wasn’t the case. But she told me to find a LLMD and get tested through Ingenix lab. Sure enough, I had Lyme Disease. It was an old infection that probably popped up after a year of constant stress with my mother and sister.
I’m still undergoing treatment and many things have improved. But I’m not back to even 60% yet. But without Katie leading me to the right treatment I’m not sure where I would be today.
She is so kind and understanding. I have recommended her services to a few of my friends and will continue to do so.

I met with Katie recently and based on the outcome I soon after made my daughter an appointment as well. It was amazing to me that Katie validated emotionally and physically what I was going through at the time and gave me the tools necessary to address it. Her insight and intuitive skills are spot on as there is no possible way she could have ever known all the nuances about myself and my daughter that she brought forth. Katie is very compassionate in her delivery and also has a great sense of humor which eased my anticipation immediately.
She is very generous with her time and her presentation is extremely comprehensive and I appreciated receiving all my information just prior to the appointment so I could review and digest all of her findings first then discuss it together. Oh and did I mention she is a remarkable medium as well, the best was my daughter receiving direct messages from her father through Katie. I feel everyone could benefit spiritually, emotionally and physically from meeting with Katie and I am looking forward to my next session! Thank you Katie – you are amazing!

She is very generous with her time and her presentation is extremely comprehensive and I appreciated receiving all my information just prior to the appointment so I could review and digest all of her findings first then discuss it together. Oh and did I mention she is a remarkable medium as well, the best was my daughter receiving direct messages from her father through Katie. I feel everyone could benefit spiritually, emotionally and physically from meeting with Katie and I am looking forward to my next session! Thank you Katie – you are amazing!

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