Mind, Body & Spirit Intuitive Reading with Report and Soul Painting - 60 minutes
Most popular option: This unique, transformational, healing reading comes with a detailed four page report, intuitive soul painting, and one hour meeting. Report and painting are sent before the meeting, knowing only your name and age. It covers all aspects of health, wellness, connection to intuition and spirit, relationships, career and more. It's been described as a year of therapy in an hour. For most people, only one appointment is needed to begin their life changing growth and healing. For more info, see my about page.
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Mind, Body & Spirit Intuitive Reading Without Report or Painting - Pet Reading - Spirit Baby Reading - 60 minutes
Also appropriate for follow up appointments after a full reading. One hour, does not include report or painting. The report and painting include additional information than just what would be discussed in this reading. Discount pricing for multiple or regular appointments. The Spirit Baby reading is great for communicating with babies in utero, in spirit, just born, and not yet conceived to help with fertility, healthier pregnancies, parenting anxiety, heal from miscarriage and more. Just note "Spirit Baby" on the reading form. IF YOU HAVE A BRIEF QUESTION OR DON'T NEED A FULL HOUR YOU CAN SCHEDULE A 30 MINUTE SESSION DIRECTLY THROUGH ME. $200
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90 Minute Mind, Body & Spirit Intuitive Reading with Report and Intuitive Painting
Same as the reading above with 30 extra minutes. PLEASE CONTACT ME DIRECTLY TO SCHEDULE .
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Intuitive Counseling
** Limited availability. Weekly or bi-weekly counseling to be scheduled directly after an initial reading from the choices abov
Not accepting new counseling clients at this time
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Invest In Your Health & Future
Before, during and after your appointment, you receive my full attention and commitment. I spend approximately an hour and a half preparing for the appointment and an hour meeting with you, more if I think your situation warrants it. I offer you the opportunity to ask questions about the reading after our session, at no extra charge. Sometimes I look at lab tests or other material, also at no extra charge.
I truly care about each and every one of my clients. I have been where many of you are. I had to figure out what was going on with my health by myself and with the help of a few alternative practitioners. That is why I am so particular about who I work with and who I recommend.
Payment Plans
Take six months to pay with zero interest using Paypal Credit which you can apply for on the Paypal website.
Refund Policy
You may cancel your appointment up to two weeks before BUT AN AMOUNT EQUAL TO HALF OF THE COST OF THE READING is NON-REFUNDABLE. It may be put toward the cost of a future reading up to six months from the time of cancellation. Except in cases of emergencies, no refunds will be given if appointment is cancelled less than 8 days before and NO REFUNDS WILL BE GIVEN ONCE I HAVE STARTED WORK ON THE REPORT OR PAINTING OR AFTER SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED. Thank you.
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