Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have to be sick to benefit from a reading?No! Many of my clients aren’t ill at all, they just want help with relationships, life decisions, enhancing their life and connecting to their intuition, career decisions, coaching and more. What conditions have you helped with?Just about everything you can think of. Relationship issues, Connection to intuition, Self esteem, Addiction, Creativity, Lyme Disease, Autoimmune Disease, Cancer, Mold, Thyroid Disorders, Mental illness, Chronic inflammation, Pain, TMJ, Special needs children, Fibromyalgia, Guillain Barre, Migraines, Fertility, Career and business, Mystery Illnesses, Eating Disorders, Arthritis, Weight and much more. What type of information will I receive?You receive information about spirituality, your childhood, your family and family history, genetics, supplements and vitamins, intuitive and psychic abilities, connecting to your intuition, relationships, work, creativity and much more. On average 75 to 90 pieces of very personal information are contained in the report and painting. What information do you need?I only need your name and age. Not your birth date. How do you do what you do?This is the most common question I receive and I wish I had an explanation. We all have intuition and I believe we all have medical intuition. We know when our kids are sick and we know when something isn’t right with our own bodies. We know when we can just let it heal on it’s own and when we need to seek help. I have always been able to pick up other people’s moods and feelings and known when people were safe or if I should stay away.  I don’t think any of this is unusual. I am a regular person who has a pretty extraordinary, but not unique gift. There are other medical intuitives. I happen to work in a different way, but we are all different. When I sit down in front of one of my blank charts and concentrate on the client’s name and age, the information comes to me. If I don’t get in my own way and over think it, the results are pretty amazing. I never take that for granted.  I am very grateful for the ability to help people all over the world. Since you are a medium, is a medical intuitive reading also a medium reading?It is common for me to get information from loved ones who have passed while I am creating the reports but it is not a medium reading.  We don’t have time since there is so much information to discuss. Can I ask questions?Definitely. How does insurance work?You can use an HSA account card using Square. Since I am also a licensed professional counselor, if you have OUT OF NETWORK insurance for counseling, if you have met your deductible or are close to it, I will give you a receipt for reimbursement. Most people are able to be reimbursed at least 80%.  I cannot guarantee reimbursement. Does getting an intuitive reading go against any religious teachings or the Bible?Definitely not. What I do has a basis in love and has nothing to do with religion at all. If it were not for my Jungian therapist teaching me to find the connection with “God within” when I was sixteen years old, I don’t believe I would be here at all and definitely wouldn’t be recovered from the eating disorder or depression. When I refer to getting information from my guides, intuition or Spirit, Spirit refers to a universal God and I believe that my guides, like angels, receive information directly from that source which is pure love.


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