Signs That You Might Need Support For Anxiety

Signs That You Might Need Support For Anxiety

These are bizarre times, but not wholly unprecedented. The world has been through financial crises, pandemics, world wars and terrorist attacks, all extremely anxiety provoking events – and we have survived.  Anxiety is completely normal but if you feel like it is interfering with your life, it is essential that you seek help from a qualified professional. Whether you make an appointment with me or another trained counselor or physician, don’t feel embarrassed.  You owe it to yourself and your family to take care of yourself. 

  1. Insomnia – either having trouble getting asleep or staying asleep or waking up early. 
  2. Emotional eating or changes in appetite
  3. Weight gain or loss without a change in eating habits. Changes in cortisol can impact insulin/blood sugar which can impact weight
  4. Racing thoughts, especially of negativity and stress
  5. Doomsday thinking – that you aren’t safe, definitely going to get sick, wouldn’t recover if you got sick, that your family will die
  6. Obsessively watching the news/social media about what is worrying you
  7. Lack of concentration/memory issues
  8. Physical symptoms like headaches, gut symptoms, acid reflux, fatigue, panic attacks, heart palpitations, blood pressure changes. 
  9. Self medicating with alcohol, gambling, sex, sleeping pills, marijuana or other substances
  10. Worsening of already present addiction and mental health symptoms
  11. Hoarding 
  12. Inability to conduct normal activities and/or work. 

This is not a complete list.  I’m happy to answer your questions if you need help. ?

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