Woman Unleashed Online Retreat

Exclusive Discount

Exclusive Discount for retreat participants: $20 off a Mind, Body and Soul reading which includes an extensive individualized report and soul painting, hour meeting and ability to ask questions about the reading after.
(Coupon is added at the top of the page while scheduling an appointment – look for the “Redeem Coupon, Package or Gift Certificate” button)
Learning to connect to my intuition and ultimately my spiritual guides, not was not only instrumental in my healing from a severe eating disorder at the age of sixteen, it also saved my life. I was so depressed and feeling helpless from bulimia that had taken over my life, that I was ready to end my life if I did not recover. Without telling my parents, I sought out a therapist who happened to be trained in Jungian psychology. If you are not familiar with Carl Jung and his teachings, I urge you to learn more. He drew from not only psychology and medicine, but also astrology, the occult, religion, art, mythology, literature and archeology to develop his incredible practices. My therapist taught me that intuition is about “God within”, meaning an all knowing, completely loving, accepting force that understands you completely and loves unconditionally. It is always there protecting you and guiding you, helping you discover your authentic self and true path. This is the powerful technique she taught me when I was young, that I still use today.
  1. Physically write a question or your feelings and direct it to your intuition.
  2. Sit and listen for what you hear and feel in response to what you wrote and write this down.
  3. When you are ready, write a response.
  4. Sit again and listen for a response from your intuition and write it down.
Continue for as long as you wish. Sometimes the conversation will be brief and sometimes it will be longer, that is up to you. My only “rule” is that you try not to overthink. Don’t worry if what you are receiving is accurate or if you might be making it up. Don’t question it except for possible clarification from your
intuition. Just go with whatever you get. It may only be a few words at first until you are more comfortable with communicating. It will get easier and become a relaxing, comforting way of meditation. As long as you have your intuition, you are safe and never alone. With communication with your intuition, self love and self acceptance, you can heal from anything.