113 FIVE STAR REVIEWS AS OF November 2018

The Tarot Witchery  November 2018

 I waited 3 months for an appointment with this amazing woman @katiebeecher_medical_intuitive.  Today I received the most comprehensive 4 page report on my emotional and physical issues, a one hour Skype meeting with Katie and a painting she did showing the different energies in and around my body.  I can’t recommend her enough.  She is also a Licensed Professional Counselor.  Her report of me and my current health problems was spot on and gave me insight into possibly causes and things to bring up with my doctor as well as a ton of info on natural remedies.  I feel like I have a much deeper understanding of my health and I finally feel like being proactive again.  (I have had such horrible experiences with doctors that I have to take an anxiety pill just to go see one now).  It was worth the wait and I highly recommend her.

Kim Mack Rosenberg   September 3 2018

Her reading of me was spot on – I was blown away. The way she conducted the session was also very helpful. Because she also is a counselor she brings an added dimension to the session – she not only shared her reading but got me thinking and digging deeper into issues. She is empathetic an thoughtful. She also had a number of terrific practical suggestions I could begin implementing in my life – and we discussed ways to implement ideas or things not to implement based on my personality, time and goals.

Farrar E. Mansfield  August 14 2018·

I really enjoyed my meeting with Katie last week. She was right on with her beautiful painting, chakra health assessment and recommendations. She knew things about me that I’ve held deep, and she also revealed things to me that were new and eye-opening. I love that her approach is truly holistic, recognizing that our physical health and spiritual health are closely intertwined. I am making some lifestyle changes now and look forward to seeing how they improve my health and well-being. I would definitely recommend booking a session with Katie if you are open-minded and looking for insight and positive change.

Kristin Merizalde February 16 ·

My session with Katie helped me to realize that I was on the right path when it came to my health goals. It can get so overwhelming on this journey back to better health, so it is incredibly helpful to have someone with a gift like this that can pinpoint *exactly* what you need to do! Highly recommended!

Mary Banker February 15 ·

I had a breath-taking session with Katie that I believe will change my life … all changes I’ve been needing to make but didn’t know how. Katie’s reading was so accurate I was stunned. She clarified things for me in a way I wasn’t able to do for myself. I have multiple health issues and after my session with Katie, I am no longer daunted by the task before me. In fact, I have a few-found confidence that I can do this. This was a very powerful experience for me. Thanks, Katie! I will definitely be contacting you in the future for additional appointments. What a life changing experience!

Nicole Mandel Foos November 6, 2017 ·

I am so deeply grateful to have found Katie! I was absolutely blown away from the moment I received my report and the beautiful drawing (which I want to frame!). Not only was everything she noted incredibly accurate, the report so artfully integrated the spiritual, emotional and the practical, so to speak, and reflected such accurate vision along with recommendations which are fairly easy to incorporate which I am working on doing. Plus I thoroughly enjoyed my Facetime session with Katie – she has enormous warmth and intelligence and I really felt like we connected and that she “saw” me. I highly recommend her services and I’m very much looking forward to diving in further with her.

Michele Craig Lasman— 5 star, July 20, 2018
I can honestly say that Katie changed my life both physically and intuitively.
Physically: I had not been feeling myself …very tired, overwhelmed, not motivated and a lack of energy all the time. I had been on medication for the last two years that gave me an amazing kickstart to my day but then made me feel terrible the rest of the time. After my phone call I went off my medication (of course with my Dr’s blessing) and started on a program of vitamins. I also changed some of my diet and got all of my blood work done through my western doctor. Katie told me which areas to address
Intuitively I feel like Katie really connected me with my inner self, my spirituality, and my intuition. We talked a lot about my father who passed away suddenly 16 years ago and how it was time I found closure and peace with it. Even my beautiful painting that she did for me was right on, there was red all over my throat symbolizing anger and ” something in that area is not right”. I had laryngitis for two weeks the following Monday and could not speak.
I had a follow up appointment with Katie after my initial reading. I gave her all my blood work and we tweaked a few vitamins and foods.
I think that Katie is very gifted and for the right person who is open to change she could be a miracle.

Leslie Ann Jones. November 2017

My reading with Katie was not only accurate and insightful, but also informative and most of all, enjoyable. With only my name and age, she created a profile that described me accurately, and revealed aspects about my physical and mental health that I have been grappling with silently. She helped me recognize these issues, embrace them, and take strong, positive steps towards correcting the situations. Her painting of me is not only wonderful and heartfelt, it is inspiring and kind. I have spent a lot of time looking at it, as every time I see it, I find something new. I look forward to working with Katie again in the future, and strongly recommend taking the leap and letting Katie help you. She is truly a talented and gifted healer and I am extremely thankful to have found her.

Michaela Halpin January 2018

Katie was so spot on with understanding what was going on in my mind and what I had a feeling was going on in my body. She offered tons of advice as to how to begin healing. Her warmth makes the whole process feel easy and therapeutic. She is truly gifted! Highly recommend! 

Jilli Singer shared Katie Beecher Medical & Emotional Intuitive Counselor, Health Coach, LPC’s post. November 13, 2017 ·


Samantha Petrone . 2017

Its hard to know where to start when it comes to Katies abilities and talent! Shes ethereal and incredibly perceptive. Meeting her has completely changed my life for the better!! She helped me deal with Lyme Disease and supported me until the end through the toughest transition in my life. If you havent gone to see her you are truly missing out! Everyone should be so lucky as to benefit from her wisdom and unwavering support. I offer my highest recommendation!!

 Beth Daly‎ March 6, 2016 ·Katie is amazing !!!!! She was so right on with her intuition about what was going on in my life she’s help me to find a new way of living I recommend everyone to have a visit with Katie

Melissa Howell‎ June 27, 2016 ·

Sweet, kind, compassionate and always available from the MOMENT we met you. Rai knew exactly what she was doing whe she found you. Thank you for your support and helping us with clarity in the very confusing times. Heart and soul of pure gold. Thankful that the Lord led us to you ! Hugs!!

Patty Beebe Atlas‎ March 11, 2015

I happened to find Katie by chance. I belong to a group and happened to see a post she made and I felt I was supposed to see that post! I have suffered from pain pretty much my whole life. Have done it all, doctors, therapy, medication etc. all to no avail. Not one person that I have been to, through out my lifetime has ever said to me, “I’m not going to give up on you”. I was so taken aback by her saying that, it actually gives me hope. Someone actually is taking an interest and actually caring enough to want to help me be pain free, wow! I am still working with Katie but I cannot say enough about her. I would urge you to call her……it is not very often that you come across a person that actually cares and has such a big heart ??! P.A.

Emily Blanton  December 30, 2017

I meet with Katie in person, but it wasn’t necessary. When I read the report, it was like she had known me medically all my life. It was amazing the accuracy of my medical problems I have been dealing with for years. Drs. Had been treating one symptom at a time. Which meant lots of different medications. I am taking Katie’s advice and hope to be able to get off of these medications. This was absolutely the best thing I have ever done for my health!

Trish Winchel December 23, 2017 ·

Katie is wonderful! She really helped my 14yr old daughter. I would recommend her to any person at any age!

Mary Beth Geil  December 20, 2017

I am so glad I found this page. The posts are relevant and helpful. I hope to interact as a client in the near future.

Nicole Mandel Foos November 6 2017

I am so deeply grateful to have found Katie! I was absolutely blown away from the moment I received my report and the beautiful drawing (which I want to frame!). Not only was everything she noted incredibly accurate, the report so artfully integrated the spiritual, emotional and the practical, so to speak and reflected such accurate vision along with recommendations which are fairly easy to incorporate which I am working on doing. Plus I thoroughly enjoyed my Facetime session with Katie – she has enormous warmth and intelligence and I really felt like we connected and that she “saw” me. I highly recommend her services and I’m very much looking forward to diving in further with her.

Anne Foster — September 13 2017

I had a reading with Katie after reading about her in Goop and it was amazing. I didn’t tell her anything about myself before except my name and age. Her report was really long and so detailed, with information I have never told anyone and I love my painting. It is so beautiful. I have Lyme Disease, mold, fibromyalgia and other issues and even though I have had numerous treatments, nothing has really helped. Katie knew about all of this and I was completely blown away! She also knew things about my personal life, childhood and work situation. I have never been given insights like these before or suggestions about how I can change my life and my attitude so I can empower myself to get better. She also suggested a practitioner who has been helping people with conditions like mine since the Lyme epidemic started, without harmful drugs, who helped her recover, along with supplements and nutritional suggestions. I didn’t have a Facebook account before writing this review. I was so grateful and amazed by the reading that I created one so that I could write this. I’m glad I didn’t let my skepticism or hesitancy about not being helped by anyone else keep me from making an appointment with Katie. She is the real deal!

Jennifer de Klaver September 4 2017

Amazing and so accurate – all in a holistic approach. I am grateful for her work and the in depth help she provides. Her generosity and insight are kind and authentic. You most certainly will be blown away by what she can see and grateful for how she can help guide you to be your best self – I highly recommend.

Devon Galusha August 23 2017

Katie’s report was spot-on, and consequently, extremely helpful. Her gentle nature and gifted insight lent guidance and assistance where truly needed. I am grateful for having been put in touch with her, and plan to implement all of her recommendations. Thank you!!

Gina Hill August 12 ·

Insightful, fun, and fluid would describe my reading with Katie. She hit right on so many of the health issues I had concerns about with real ways to address them. She seems to genuinely be a partner in what you want to achieve and explore in your life!

Stephanie Carter: Katie did a full reading for me which was very insightful. She really addressed a lot of the issues I was having and was spot on with her description of me emotionally and physically. October 1, 2014

Christine Rentz Katie did a reading for me and was spot on with what was going on in my life. She has a warm personality and is very easy to be around and share things with. I really enjoyed everything she had to say.,and she was very helpful in my future decisions. Best to you Katie in helping other people.

Deborah de Light— April 15 2017

Katie helped me make decisions about what I want to do concerning my health. For the first time, I’m looking forward to going to the doctor because I know what to ask for. I appreciate her nutritional supplements and look forward to seeing what a difference they make. What is funny to me is I wasn’t sure if I needed a painting but I am so glad I have mine. It really shows where I am, where I’ve been, what I can work on and areas I’ve gown into which was really uplifting. We talked the whole hour. I had all my questions answered plus found out things I needed to know. Katie is gifted, caring and thorough. Thank you, Katie! <3

Helen K Neumann October 1, 2016 ·

I had a reading 2 weeks ago and have barely been able to process how accurately Katie was able to read me.The chakra readings were amazingly accurate and offered me a lot of insight on how to proceed with my life and choices- as in it’s time to make some choices! Also time to deal with my “woundings” as they still resonate strongly in who I am today. Thank you.

Lili Gonsiorowski— February 11, 2016 ·

I am so glad I booked an appointment with Katie! I was amazed at how accurate her emotional and physical readings of me were. She provided a very thorough written report of her findings before I met with her. This made it easy to listen during my appointment because I didn’t have to take notes. Katie is a kind and giving person that goes above and beyond to help. She shared useful resources and offered advice that has been beneficial. I highly recommend Katie to anyone who is having difficultly resolving health or emotional issues.

Kimberly Ann— August 2 2017 Katie has a unique perspective in that she addresses all areas — think of the spokes on a wheel — she does not leave any stone unturned so that when you’ve interacted with her, you will say, “ah… I didn’t think of that but now it makes sense.” Anytime we get a more full and whole perspective of ourselves and our issues, it only enriches our ability to know ourselves better and to self manage.

Allison Fink  August 1 2017

Katie’s report was, first, almost entirely accurate. Only one or two details were unclear or perhaps related to a family member. With only my name and age, she read me very well and had great insight into my condition. In general, my physical condition is great, which is different from the reasons I think many people would seek out Katie’s talents–i.e., if they have a condition that has defied easy diagnosis. But Katie confirmed my healthy condition, which made me feel as though I can stop worrying that there’s something wrong with me. That’s something I’ve worried about my whole life, especially since when I had pain as a child and spoke up about it, the adults in my life either denied I was in pain or ignored me.

Kris Iselin-Bradley‎. March 7, 2014 · I want to thank you for your accurate and spot on intuitive guidance for my teenage daughter. I followed your advice specifically and after only four days, my daughter is a completely changed person. She is happy, smiling, laughing and optimistic. I cannot possibly thank you enough for the help that we’ve received from you. You have a priceless gift and I believe everyone I know can benefit from you. (((HUGS))) and LOVE to you always

And this led to the chief feature of my report…the overall theme of the report revolved around my over-reliance on others to tell me what to do and how to feel, rather than relying on myself and my own power and intuition. I feel more empowered to listen to my intuition and am grateful to Katie for bringing this to my attention

Finally, Katie’s painting deeply moved me. She saw adventurousness where I thought my adventurousness had abandoned me entirely. She saw a great deal of anger I’d been denying. I feel Katie is part of a movement within my life in which I’m looking deeper, becoming more aware of my emotional and physical state, and dealing with my emotions in a mature way. I’m really grateful for the reading and painting and recommend Katie to anyone who wants to break through blocks, learn more about themselves, and improve their life.

Howard Wells  July 30 2017

Katie Beecher is the real deal. Her work not does supplant traditional Western medicine, she simply helps activate your own intuition about what is going on, which pulls it all together in a way that clears a path forward. Gifted.

Jayne Ann‎ July 25, 2014 · This lady knows of which she speaks!!!

Ashley Diana Patrick July 30 2017

Katie’s report for me was so accurate it brought me to tears. I’d been struggling with symptom after symptom for years, going from doctor to specialist to specialist all over… wasting hundreds and thousands on exams and tests that said I was “fine” and I’d been labeled a hypochondriac. And my symptoms were becoming painful, and worse, affecting multiple systems in my body.

Katie determined that I may have been suffering from toxic mold exposure, which explains the mysterious multitudinous of my symptoms.

While the answers Katie was able to discern for me were unsettling, at least finally there is an answer for all the scary symptoms I had been experiencing, and now I can work on moving past fear, and Katie is helping me to find the right physician so that I can finally start trying to get better.

Jeff Fink June 20 2017

WOW! Katie has a unique and effective approach to emotional and medical healing. My reading, painting, and session was less than a week ago and I can already truly say it was a life changing experience getting to work with Katie. She confirmed things I knew about myself and opened my heart and eyes to other parts of myself that I either looked at negatively or left in the shadows. Katie explained these to me with a new perspective and in terms that made sense and allowed me to accept, understand, and be at peace. And it’s already given me an enlightened new perspective! She even told me about my past medical issues and gave me areas of my current medical health to investigate to ultimately avoid future issues. Lastly, Katie provided me with an excellent exercise to get in touch with my intuition. I highly recommend everyone has the pleasure to experience their own medical and emotional intuitive with Katie. Thank you Katie!!

Nancy E Kleinsmith— May 8 2017

I had an hour long session with Katie and I was very impressed with her accuracy in my reading. She offered me some gentle suggestions to guide me on my path to improved health and happiness. Katie identified The areas I have been struggling with in my life with accuracy. She encouraged me to pursue my creative and fun side which is exactly how I have been feeling. Katie is a warm and gentle soul and I am so glad my sweet cousin encouraged me to contact her. Blessings to you Katie. Thank you

Gail StCyr Koula— April 26 2017

I had a full session with Katie Beecher complete with drawing. I love my drawing and everything Katie has to say about it. When I opened my report and started reading, the first thing i had to say was WOW!! There were things in the report that very few people know, and the fact that this was in my report is a great testament to Katie’s intuitive abilities. Our session went very well. Talking with Katie is like talking with a long time friend. She holds no judgement and is very caring and compassionate in her work. What really stood out for me is that she is not pushy. I have worked with other “healers” who said they could help, only if I bought their package, which always seemed to cost $1500.00. I guess that is the cost to heal?? Katie is genuine! I had a follow up session which really allowed me to go deeper into some of the emotional areas of concern. I would greatly recommend a session with Katie if there is any area of your life/health that you would like to explore.

Lori Dennis— March 28 2017

I had the pleasure of meeting with Katie this week. She has a very unique practice — using a rare combination of artistic talent, strong intuitive knowing and deep empathy. All the things you would hope for from a healer — and Katie has it all. If you’re looking for deeper insight into your health and well-being, I highly recommend scheduling some time with Katie.

Erin Taplin—March 9 2017

Katie Beecher is an amazing soul!! I will be referring her to everyone I know. Thank you Katie<3

Renae Sarnoski March 4 2017

Katie was spot on in every area of my health regarding issues and things that were contributing to some physical symptoms I was having. Not only did she give me amazing insights into my health issues-but she also gave my some direction in how to move forward in my healing! I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to work with this gifted woman! Thank you Katie!

Tony Fonderson February 10 ·

Starting with only my age and my first name, Katie painted a beautiful watercolor of me, including so many features and insights into my personality that blew me away. Her accuracy was amazing, and in our hour-long chat afterwards she gave me many tips and guidance that led to so many Aha moments. I was deeply moved, and really thankful for the opportunity to have worked with her.

Mary Perrotta Andrews — January 13 ·

I loved my session with Katie Beecher! I’ve been to therapists, and I’ve been to psychics, but Katie’s unique training, experience, gifts, and caring personality make her a wonderful blend of the best of both. She is definitely a case of, “the whole is more than the sum of its parts.” I wasn’t sure she was going to tell me anything I hadn’t heard before. Not only did she do that, but I was amazed at how accurate and helpful the information was. She knows what to say, how to say it, and she knows how to really listen as well. Katie Beecher is a true treasure. I feel lucky to have found her!

Mike Rousseau January 4 ·

Amazing woman ! Knows what she’s doing and a fine artist also.

Nicole Vine January 4 ·

Katie Beecher changed my life, wholeheartedly for the better! I have dealt with many complex illnesses since birth including immunodeficiency, pediatric cancer and autoimmune neuritis. The latter of which had completely destroyed my adult life. For the small price of a medical intuitive reading I gained all of the confirmation and knowledge I needed. This was worth it completely as I have accrued hundreds of thousands of dollars over the last five years in medical debt. I tried anything and everything the doctors and dead end conventional medical system told me to do. At no avail I was left sicker and with great financial burden. Katie provided clarity to me at a time I was extremely confused. Any illness, but especially if you have any sort of “mysterious illness” (multiple sclerosis, lupus, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, LYME disease, poly cystic ovarian syndrome, Parkinson’s, and any form of cancer) PLEASE follow and purchase any and all of Katie’s work. It is truly worth it!! As in my case it was a matter of life or death and I am so ecstatic to finally be given a renewed chance at life! THANKS KATIE

Selya Price— January 3 ·

I had an hour long session with Katie, and it has made a tremendous difference in my life. She helped me on my path to getting well physically by identifying my illnesses and giving me advice on next steps, which I am taking. She is incredibly talented and also an amazing person – a generous, beautiful, caring spirit. In addition to providing insight on my physical illnesses, Katie also identified my emotional struggles, relating them to my chakras/energy centers. She was so spot on with this as well, validating what I need to do to enable me to build a better life for myself. In addition to the incredible reading she provided, Katie also created a beautiful painting which I framed and keep above my desk. The colors are gorgeous and the explanatory notes on the painting are so thoughtful and enlightening. She even tuned in to my cat and included him in the painting. I was really blown away by how much Katie did for me in such a short period of time. I would recommend her to anyone who wants to learn more about themselves, for physical and/or emotional healing, and to live a happier life, more true to themselves.

Leah Siegel— January 3 ·

I had the opportunity to receive a free gift of one free question answered by Katie and I’m so glad I redeemed it. She was extremely thorough and insightful. I would definitely pay for a full reading by Katie

Kristina Saxberg Lisonbee—December 2, 2016 ·

What an amazing session! Talking with Katie is like speaking to an old friend. She is warm, down to earth and compassionate. The things she told me made my jaw drop – absolutely spot on. I am so grateful to Katie for restoring my hope!

Frannie Faith Southworth — November 29, 2016 ·

Katie is a gentle soul with a deep inner strength and very kind. With that combination I felt safe and open to talk about my life. I just re-read my reading and so much of it was very accurate. Because I have had extensive medical testing due to medical issues I’ve had, I did know much of it, but Katie knew much of it too!!!!! I’m amazed at how many things she picked up on. I work with balancing the chakras through sound so I really liked going through the chakras in another way. I had no idea what to expect and just came with an open heart. I recommend Katie.

Maria Miller November 29, 2016 ·

Loved my first session with Katie, she was spot on with so many things (really specific) and gave me great advice on ways I might improve my health and wellbeing. Highly recommend.

Vicki Adams Rapanault November 18, 2016 ·

Katie is a very talented intuitive. She was completely correct on my reading and was able to pick up on situations and conditions that I can work on. I’ve already made another appointment to work on a issue that I am ready to release. Highly recommended.

Bruna Verna November 18, 2016 ·   Thank you Katie for confirming what was needed to be said to me that I could not accept myself. I can’t believe how on target you were with the pup as well. I left so comforted by the message you had for me thank you so much

Jaimie-Lynne St. Onge  November 17, 2016 ·

Katie is a tremendous help to so many with her talents and experience! I asked her for advice on an issue with our 21 month old, who she has not yet met. He had been regularly having night terrors for months. They scared us every night! He would scream without waking for an hour, bloodcurdling screams, calling for us and reaching out for us, arching his back and thrashing. But he wouldn’t wake up for up to an hour, and then it would take hourS to calm him down and hopefully get him back to sleep so we could get a couple winks ourselves. The pediatrician told us there was nothing we could do for him, that night terrors have to just run their course. Waking the person makes them worse and can prolong them (that parts true). But I felt that a different approach and understanding was necessary, for all our sakes.

Katie confirmed what I had been wondering, that he was being communicated to by the other side. And let me know they were not trying to hurt him, at least. She gave me several suggestions for preventive measures, and I set up certain items throughout the bedroom and developed a bedtime routine for protection with her help. It has been almost a month now, and he has only had one incident. Otherwise it has been peaceful nights for all! And happier mornings too. Her suggestions started working immediately and even have made bedtime smoother, and faster. He is so much calmer when we get to bed that he sometimes falls asleep in moments, and he has a been a sleep fighter since day one! We are so thankful for Katie’s help, it has changed our lives!

Alexa Budihas  October 22, 2016 ·

I had two readings last week with Katie, one for one of my cats and one for myself. I am in awe of Katie’s accuracy and connection. I wasn’t new to the idea of intuitives or their abilities, although I had never had a reading before, so I was expecting a positive experience. But the depth of Katie’s reading was really quite extraordinary. All based on a name and an age ?:)

When I read her report for my own reading before even speaking with her, my first thought was, “She knows me.” And I don’t mean just the medical issues, past and present. I felt like she knew my heart and my spirit/soul and also had a strong idea what has contributed to why I am physically, emotionally, and mentally where I am at this time in my life.

Katie can help you change your life if you listen openly and follow her suggestions. I am slowly making changes, but I already feel better having someone who obviously cares so much for people telling me gently yet forthrightly some things I already knew I should be doing for myself and others that were a revelation.

Some people may be a little tentative to have a reading. I was admittedly a tiny bit anxious, but Katie puts you at ease immediately with her kindness and caring.

I cannot recommend Katie highly enough. I wish there were more than five stars!

 Gail Webb Parker— October 14, 2016 ·

Katie is a one of a kind. I had a reading with Katie recently and was amazed at the accuracy that she had with my emotions and my health issues. She has a gift and has chosen to use it to help others. There is no doubt that she cares and is genuine. No doubt that Katie is a gifted intuitive. Thanks Katie!

Eileen Bartolotta— September 28, 2016 ·

I met with Katie and due to her intuitive skills she directed me to Dr. Klass. At the time I was so frustrated with the lack of care I was receiving. Due to her I am now on the road to recovering. Thank you for your guidance and expertise.

Bob Perry— August 31, 2016 ·

I had a wonderful reading with Katie, the report she types out was so wonderful to have, she was right on with everything she wrote and the best part is the painting she creates. I look at the painting and reread the report often. During my read she validated everything I have heard before for others including telling me I have heard this information before. She is wonderful and I highly recommend making an appointment with Katie. Thank you again Katie.

Keri Dennis-Fulmore August 25, 2016 ·

Katie Beecher is a very talented Medical Intuitive. She was the only intuitive to be able to pin point the fact that my major health issue was neurological. She was so accurate with my emotions, my personality and went the extra mile to help me find solutions to my health. She has such a kind heart and really does give 110 percent to you. I recommend her fully and will be seeking her services again. Truly a gifted and talented intuitive.

Kevin Brubaker— August 16, 2016 ·

I was very surprised at how caring and helpful Katie was with me. I didn’t even become a client and she helped me with my fear & frustration with my new found illness. This is the way All practitioners should act. Not everything is about the $

Heather Ullery reviewed July 14, 2016 ·

Katie is an amazing person, with incredible abilities. From speaking with her for just about an hour, I could sense the passion she has for her work and how truly in touch she is. My session was completely accurate and brought to light many different facets of my life. She addressed mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual states and how they all work together in our lives, and what we can do to really make the most of it. She was so open and willing to talk about anything I had questions on. I’m so glad I was able to learn from her and experience her work. She is truly marvelous! ?<3 Much love to you Katie!

Laura Beckie McQuaid reviewed July 1, 2016 ·

I recently had the pleasure of phone appointment with Katie. She offered some profound insights that allowed me to let go of some worries and pursue my true calling. Katie puts you at ease and you find yourself opening up as though you have known her for years! I’m grateful that Katie shares her gifts and lifts your spirits!

Barbara Abatello Consiglio reviewed June 28, 2016 ·

I saw Katie in April and cannot thank her enough for her insightfulness, kindness and comfort. Katie knew what was ailing me and her intuition was spot on! I had chronic fatigue syndrome and other viruses that were dormant for more than a decade. I was always tired, and my immune system was compromised so Katie recommended an amazing homeopath physician who has literally given my life back to me. It took time and patience, and at I’m 80% right now. Thank you Katie..Your counseling changed my life. I still have avenues to explore, and will once I am 100%.

Belinda N. Ahern reviewed May 30, 2016 ·

I saw Katie a couple year’s ago to tell me how to cure my chronic systems disfunction and she gave me a diagnosis and suggested a testing line up. I followed through but all tests were negative. Now almost 2 years later I have that diagnoses and have found help with eradicating an adrenal tumor as well. It wasn’t there but she saw it was coming, not only the disease but the cure. She is a blessing

Kerryn Rich-Sloper reviewed May 22, 2016 ·

Like to firstly express my gratitude to Katie . Very gifted woman, that has given me many answers to my life’s ups & downs .more downs for sure. Loosing trust in my journey of health and doubting the medical system , even family and friends . Katie , being a kind beautiful soul has given me faith back ,lifted a heavy burden which I have been carrying for far too long . Unsure of my treatment team of practioners , treating a long term misdiagnosed chronic illness had uncertainty of my wellbeing . Katie has given me more of a guide to go on . As she has knowledge of my illness and found more underline issues that haven’t been detected or treated . Protocol isn’t doing my health and body justice . Being a very compassionate persons I’m finding this difficult to express my overall reading from Katie.overwhemeled comes into this Equation . Looking forward in my follow up with Katie Guess I feel reassured finally with her support love and help Feeling loved accepted and understood Thank you Katie xxxxx

Irene Colinders reviewed May 6, 2016 ·

I have never been to a medical intuitive and wasn’t exactly sure what to expect from my meeting with Katie. By the time I left, I knew that I had answers that would change the way I viewed myself and gave me the push I needed to take action! Katie was 100% correct with her impressions and insight. Thank you Katie

Michele Beauvais reviewed May 5, 2016 ·

It was lovely to meet Katie Beecher. She has a gift and it’s truly a blessing she shares. I am grateful for the opportunity to work with you Katie.

Marianna Bee reviewed May 5, 2016 ·

It was such a pleasure meeting Katie. Her reading and her drawing were amazingly on point. I was shocked at the things that she knew. Thank you, Katie! Look forward to working with you again in the near future!

Karen Burns reviewed April 27, 2016 ·

Katie, I really enjoyed our time together Saturday. Thank you for coming to New Jersey. I’ve been wanting to make an appointment with you for quite some time…..when I saw you where coming down here I had to see you. I haven’t seen you in a while, and I didn’t mention on my FB the latest Heath issue I’ve been having trouble with. In the first paragraph of my report you talk about Water…….and I am suffering with debilitating Edema. I’ve gone to to Kidney, Heart, and Muscle Doctors…….no one could figure anything out. You blessed me with the name of a Doctor who after one visit has made a difference. A true healer. I will keep you posted on how it goes. Also my beautiful water color of my tree …..ILove. Getting it framed and hanging it next to my bed. Katie I can’t put into words how grateful I am

Corrie Van Gilder Rinaldi reviewed April 25, 2016 ·

What a wonderful experience. I feel so lucky to have met Katie and receive her intuitive wisdom first hand. Her intuition was very accurate. She identified some new things…confirmed some things …overall put me at ease to go forward with a natural path for what I am experiencing. I look forward to the new path I am going to pursue and was reassured that she will be here for me. She provided a wealth of information and suggestions on moving forward…today I start pursuing wellness with a new perspective. Thank you Katie.

Christine Jeans Boozer reviewed April 24, 2016 ·

Katie was spot on and presented the information in a very comfortable manner. I did not feel like she insisted that anything was 100 percent accurate. She is also very willing to continue help you find answers and resources if you wish to pursue.

Nansi Rice reviewed April 19, 2016 ·

I met Katie Beecher at the New London Spiritualist Church where I was a board member as well as a member of the Mediumship Development Circle. Katie joined the Development Circle where I got to see her amazing Medical Intuitive skills at work. Katie is a sweet, loving and wonderful soul and gives incredible details and validation in every reading. Her intuitive art work is beautiful and speaks loudly to the soul of the lucky recipient. If you want to be blown away…have a reading by Katie Beecher!

Nansi Rice LMT, RMT, CCPC Psychic Medium Healingwithnansi

Elana Chomiszak Mundorff reviewed April 6, 2016 ·

Katie was amazingly accurate in her reading! She knew things about my life, past and present, and had great insight into the person that I am. She reaffirmed for me that I am on the right path, both physically and in my life’s work. She was so genuinely caring and gave me the encouragement to explore areas of my life that I had questions and doubts about. We connected on many levels and she was very easy to talk to. I am so grateful for the experience and would highly recommend her to everyone!

 Lise Thompson Cavallaro reviewed — March 19, 2016 ·

Meeting and talking with Katie Beecher is like talking with someone you have known all your life. She has incredible insight. I look forward to speaking with her again. I felt like I could breathe again and worry about myself for a change once I spoke with her.

Kristine Schmardel Funk reviewed — March 18, 2016 ·

My meeting with Katie Beecher was amazing! Knowing only my name and age, and not much more about me, Katie wrote a comprehensive report of what my medical and emotional issues were, and included a drawing that represented me and my life. So many of the things she outlined on my report were not known to anyone beside myself, and I was taken aback by her insight. She was very easy to talk to, and very knowledgeable! Katie also recommended further avenues to explore on my way to getting well, which I have been following up on. Katie is helping me to become physically and emotionally well and I am grateful that I took the chance and reached out to her for guidance. I highly recommend a meeting with Katie Beecher for anyone who is looking for a way to improve their life physically or emotionally.

Anne Thrope reviewed — February 26, 2016 ·

I had been having chronic pain issues that no medical professional could diagnose for 9 years. Every doctor I saw would run a battery of expensive tests & shrug when no obvious diagnosis could be determined. When the pain escalated into crisis mode, a friend arranged for Katie to do a reading for me. I will be honest, I was equally nervous & skeptical about it! Katie instantly put me at ease, just the sound of her calm, reassuring voice gave me hope. She provided a thorough report before our actual exchange. Most of the things were spot on, & those that seemed unclear to myself, or indeed to Katie herself, became clear as we discussed them. And, we delved so much deeper than the original chronic pain issue. Thanks to Katie, I feel as though there is light at the end of the tunnel! She is extremely knowledgeable about so many different medical matters. And, she prepares an extensive follow-up of Overall Recommendations. I have no doubt that she would provide further assistance anytime I felt the need to reach out. I cannot recommend Katie enough if you are struggling with any sort of medical condition or simply find yourself floundering in life!

Giselle Giordano Taylor reviewed — February 24, 2016 ·

I’m so glad I made the appointment to meet with Katie, she had randomly connected with me a few weeks prior out of the blue and was spot on! The report she prepared for me was very accurate and brought to light issues I know I need to resolve. Her insight and energy is positive and I felt comfortable to open up with her. I would highly recommend a reading with Katie! It was enlightening and I know it will ultimately help me grow as a human being.

Stevie Rich— February 16, 2016 ·

I was very skeptical in the beginning, but by the end, I was comfortable that I was on the right track. She is truly gifted

 Jill Donley Rege — February 5, 2016 ·

I just had a session via FaceTime with Katie this week and it was one of the best things I’ve done for myself in a long, long time. She was able to get right to the meat of things and very specifically point out issues–both emotional and physical–that are blocking my progress. She also had great suggestions for me to follow up on. The report she provided ahead of time was DEAD. ON. In fact, I either gasped in amazement or laughed in astonishment repeatedly on my first reading. (Seriously, how did she know that one thing about that one tooth that was completely rare?!). Katie is the real deal. Highly recommended!

Tyna Bianco-Jessen December 28, 2015 ·

Absolutely amazing. I am soooo happy i found her to help me on my journey. She knew maaaannnny things that others had no way of knowing and only knew my first name and age. She helped to point out some medical testing i would benefit from and it is helping move me in the right direction. I am so grateful and blessed i have crossed paths with this amazing medical intuitive!

Marianne Caviston Annunziato— December 5, 2015 ·

Katie is amazing and is truly gifted and putting her gifts to good use! I had a medical intuitive reading with her and was a little skeptical since we were doing it long distance. Katie knew nothing about me but my first name and age. I had goose bumps and chills and some tears as I read her report before our Face Time meeting. She knew things about me that NO ONE knew, very private information. Katie was spot one with the her reading and information she provided. I was completely blown away. Her reading made me do some serious soul searching and re-evaluation on my life. She made me realize a lot of things I was keeping inside, suppressing, which was only making my medical issues worse. She offered many suggestions for improvement in my overall well being and lifestyle changes. I was about to make probably the worst mistake of my career, but after the reading I realized I was going to be doing it for all the wrong reasons. Katie did not tell me not to do what I was planning on doing, she just brought insight and clarity to my life that I had lost. I thank her for that! Katie knows what she is doing and is extremely gifted. She is also very kind and makes you feel at ease. I would highly recommend her to every

Melissa Howell November 17, 2015 ·

Katie literally dropped everything to work with my child. A child that doesn’t normally open up but loved Katie. She actually talked with her & opened up about how she felt. She love Ms. Katie. Katie followed up with some insightful information & something my children will forever cherish. Something that helps them feel a safe connection! Thank you Katie! Your heart is wonderful & your gift is amazing!

Adina Verson October 20, 2015 ·

katie has a gift, and the generous heart to share it with others. she did a reading for me and was able to tap into a sight that saw me more deeply than i do myself. i left with a greater understanding of certain energetic blocks that have been with me for so long that i didn’t even realize they were there, and she guided me how to move forward- physically, emotionally, and spiritually. she is incredibly knowledgable, i’m so happy to have found her!

Kathy Zagorski October 6, 2015 ·

Incredibly gifted, intuitive, and healing. A wonderful resource and advocate. Thank you Katie!

Meryl MoskowitzSeptember 1, 2015 ·

Katie is caring, compassionate, and so very thoughtful. She offered invaluable advise, went above and beyond doing research for us, and even helped us locate an ND in the area. Katie you are a treasure. The world needs more sweet souls like you.

Valerie Latona August 9, 2015 ·

Most people think that medical intuitives are hokey—somebody making up stuff about your body and your health to get your money. I had my doubts, too, but wanted to meet Katie and find out more about whether medical intuitives could be an important part of someone’s health process. I said nothing to Katie about my health prior to meeting her—and was stunned when I read her report (which she prepared in advance of our meeting). She brought up things that no one, except my own doctor, knows about my health. It definitely wasn’t a coincidence. I am a believer now and believe that medical intuitives can be one part of a person’s diagnosis. Medical intuitives don’t replace your doctor but can help in your progress to better health, particularly if you’re struggling to figure out why you’re not feeling well.

Mae Rose Adubato August 8, 2015 ·

I can’t tell you how much Katie has helped me as I recover from a two year journey of digestive distress. Her kindness, humility, and guidance have been crucial to not only my morale, but my physiological healing, and I’m forever grateful to have such a knowledgable and compassionate professional on my team! Her spiritual readings are fantastic and have aided me greatly in trusting my intuition and moving forward. I can’t say enough good things about her!!! What’s fantastic is that she understands the critical connection between physiology and happiness, and helps you uncover the root of chronic issues.

I recommend Katie 1,000,000,000,000,000% !!

Allie Goldschlag-Reinking August 5, 2015 ·

Katie’s reading was extremely accurate. She is incredibly insightful, easy to talk to and gifted in her field. Our conversation left me feeling at peace with something I had been struggling with for quite some time.

Danielle Marie Rangel May 30, 2015 ·

She answered all of my questions that I had and I am scheduling an appointment with her and I’m very glad we met

Prescott Elle May 4, 2015 ·

I had a really lovely reading with Katie. Nearly everything she had prepared resonated with me, and the reading helped answer some questions I had about myself. I highly recommend booking a reading with Katie, it’s a great experience!

Kris Iselin-Bradley March 23, 2015 ·

Katie genuinely cares for everyone she meets and has the highest desire for their health and wellbeing. She helped my teenage daughter through a very difficult time and I’m happy to report that after following Katie’s recommendations, she is happy and well.

Barbara Bunyard Good March 22, 2015 ·

The best there is:)…highly recommend! Stay away from Dr.’s and pharma…go natural!

Melanie Sokolski February 16, 2015 ·

I had a chance to call in to do a radio interview with Katie! I got thru and Katie pinpointed my anxiety issues without any knowledge of it. I wish it was longer but she knew my major problem. I hope to meet her in person this summer to get a full reading!!! Can’t wait!!!!!

Cynthia M Chase November 21, 2014 ·

I would like to share a reading that I had with Katie Beecher on 8/12/14:

My sister died in July. I found my way to Katie, an old friend, to get a reading for Candice. I wanted to know how she was doing on the other side. What I got was a bright picture postcard of her Spirit there.

Katie didn’t know Candice or anything about her, yet, she knew her to the core: full of personality, and a high level of trust in others, with a rye sense of humor. She did inspire greatness in others and was selfless to the point that she drained herself. Yes Katie, she was a true free Spirit. I remember the way she danced with wild abandon! A child of the 60’s.

Your impressions were impeccable: No, she wasn’t very tall. She was puffy as a result of steroids in the end. You knew Katie, that she died assisted by hospice and that she had difficulty breathing at the end.You didn’t know that she was a birder but yet, she directed you a feather outside your house. How would you know that Candice was a bit obsessed with birds and clothes and style unless you had a direct connection to her consciousness?

The most important message that you gave me from Candice is that she connects with me and seeks to remind me of her presence. You said those from the other side can influence what happens here. Since your reading there have been several unique experiences relating to birds – swooping right in front of me. You translated her message of hope and continued love and connection. Thank you.

Michelle DiGiacomo Adubato October 2, 2014 ·

I met with Katie recently and based on the outcome I soon after made my daughter an appointment as well. It was amazing to me that Katie validated emotionally and physically what I was going through at the time and gave me the tools necessary to address it. Her insight and intuitive skills are spot on as there is no possible way she could have ever known all the nuances about myself and my daughter that she brought forth. Katie is very compassionate in her delivery and also has a great sense of humor which eased my anticipation immediately. She is very generous with her time and her presentation is extremely comprehensive and I appreciated receiving all my information just prior to the appointment so I could review and digest all of her findings first then discuss it together. Oh and did I mention she is a remarkable medium as well, the best was my daughter receiving direct messages from her father through Katie. I feel everyone could benefit spiritually, emotionally and physically from meeting with Katie and I am looking forward to my next session! Thank you Katie – you are amazing!

Gina Marie Golda-Cammarano September 6, 2014 ·

I never met Katie prior to our appointment. I was absolutely amazed with the detail and accuracy of her assessment of my medical issues! During my session with Katie, I felt that she understood me. She was compassionate, empathetic, and so easy to talk to. Her suggestions were very helpful and provided me with a sense of direction. I am also grateful that she continues to be available to me even after our in-person session. Thank you Katie!

Susan Goltra Judge September 4, 2014 ·

I met Katie through my neighbor, almost by happenstance. She did not know anything other than my first name when we met. She clearly has tremendous insight and a healing gift. She was able to provide me with much insight to my current health and wellness issues. We bonded instantly and I am so grateful to have her as a contact for future references. Thank you, Katie! Xoxoxo

Crimi Blanton August 1, 2014 ·

Absolutely amazing!! I’ve know Katie for close to 20 yrs now. I can honestly say since the first time I met her, she had a very special & different intuition sense about her!! We clicked and became friends. Whenever we met in the street or a store our conversations were endless and felt spiritual!!! She understood me, and after our convo I felt relieved ….. Almost like the pressures of my life were relieved!! She’s awesome !! Years later she did a reading and I was amazed!! We’re states apart and her reading was right on target!! Check her out she’s great!! Trust me!! Yours truly

Kim Fillmore Martino July 21, 2014 ·

Very much enjoyed my reading with Katie and I look forward to working with her and taking the steps to help me heal & balance my body & mind. Katie is easy to talk to and very gifted. Thanks Katie!

Stacy Kurtz Weinman July 20, 2014 ·

I had the pleasure of meeting Katie recently. I was completely blown away at the accuracy of my reading…she hadnt even met me when she made my chart. She was able to tell me things that I could do to better myself both physically and emotionally. I felt very connected to her. She really took a personal interest in helping me and we communicated well after my visit. She is a special woman with a very special gift!

Catherine Swanz Glastal June 29, 2014 ·

Katie is down-to-earth, caring, compassionate and SPOT ON in her medical intuitive readings. I know some people are apprehensive about having a reading because they think they will be diagnosed with a disease, but that is not the case. Katie is not a doctor and does not diagnose any condition. What she does is get to the root of the emotional or physical issues so that the person can heal themselves. Every person has the ability to heal themselves, but sometimes we just need that little extra “umph” that traditional medicine does not provide. Just knowing the underlying issues can bring awareness and healing. Katie is HIGHLY knowledgeable about alternative healing and nutrition. I highly recommend having a full reading with her so that all issues can be brought to light. ?:)

Maureen Ward June 22, 2014 ·

Katie is amazing. She was recommended by a friend I trust, so I had a reading.That reading was so “spot on” – Katie knew about medical issues I have and have had in the past; I was amazed. After she did the reading, she sent it via email, (we live 3000 miles apart), and spent over an hour going over the reading with me via a phone conference. She explained how I could improve on my overall health by working on some (very) stagnant emotional issues I know that are blocking my way to good health, as well as offering suggestions for diet and lifestyle changes that could help me. I am a Bodyworker by profession, and I know that the mind/body connection is real. Katie is incredibly gifted, and what she brings to the table is her obvious love for what she does and her incredible willingness to help others with her gift. She honestly cares about what she is doing and who she is working with. I continue to recommend her to everyone I can. She is the real deal!

Leigh Attaway Wilcox June 22, 2014 ·

When Katie did a reading for me last spring, I was experiencing severe inflammation in one knee that took far too long to resolve. The pain was debilitating for weeks. With Katie’s insights, I was able to target some repressed emotions which were contributing to the inflammatory response in my body. Since that time I’ve become much more aware of how emotions are intertwined with overall physical health. I am grateful to Katie for sharing her gift and highly recommend her!

Maria DiGiacomo Adubato June 20, 2014 ·

I believe that optimal physical health and wellness is determined by many dynamic variables in our lives. It relies on the balance or imbalance of our mind, body and spirit connection. Many times we’re not even aware of the things that are creating these imbalances they are so subtle. I’ve met with many wonderful physicians and counselors in my life on the quest for “perfect health” and I am so very grateful that I’ve had the opportunity to meet with Katie Beecher. Her ability to point out those subtleties, discuss the physical impact and it’s effect on my body and connect with spirit were unmatched by any single practitioner that I’ve ever known. Katie is extremely accurate, compassionate and a truly gifted counselor. We can only really heal when we are aware of all of the issues that are holding us back. I’m convinced that my session with Katie has brought me to a new level of understanding and awareness that will keep my mind, body and spirit in balance going forward. Thank you Katie, you’re amazing!

Linda Tavares September 13 ·

Katie is an extraordinary, insightful professional with a true gift of healing! She is straightforward and kind, extremely easy to talk to, and remarkably wise

Katrina James  5 star September 3, 2014 ·

Jennie Kephart 5 star October 18, 2014 ·

Katie is amazing! I am 2400 miles away and she was right on in every section of the reading. Enjoyed every minute of our conversation. Extremely thorough. She is extraordinary with an amazing gift! She is a gem! Thank you Katie! 🙂

Kurt Knapp Astounded, floored, amazed, are all words that came to mind when I read Katie Beecher’s analysis of my medical situation and life experience. She was able to pick up on things that I have never told anyone about my life as a child, injuries, chronic illnesses and the present state of my health. In my line of work- helping people with paranormal problems- I have met many people who think they have psychic abilities but don’t and an assortment of charlatans and con artists. I can tell you with complete sincerity that Katie is the real deal. She has a rare, very special gift and I am very happy to have met her and now call her my friend.”

Sarah Elizabeth – Katie is AMAZING! During my reading she helped me understand why some unexplainable things were happening to me. She’s helped me develop my gifts and also helped me medically with my late stage Lyme disease! She knew things no one knew and also brought to my attention a possible issue that could be developing medically. Months later that issue surfaced as doctors discovered the issue. Because of Katie’s mention of it I was calm and did not panic when doctors found the problem. She’s helped me understand a lot of things! I’m forever grateful!

Michele Beauvais  May 5, 2016 ·

It was lovely to meet Katie Beecher. She has a gift and it’s truly a blessing she shares. I am grateful for the opportunity to work with you Katie.

Beth Quirk Sheeler July 24 2018

I was blown away with how well Katie knew and understood my health issues and concerns, both physically and emotionally. I found her reading and suggestions very helpful and I look forward to implementing them.

Leanda Visagie August 14 2018

Thank you so much for a wonderful and insightful session Katie. You felt like an old friend. I look forward to the path of complete healing and intuition for both me and my daughter. Love Leanda ?

Lydia McCutchen June 3 2018

Wonderful reading with Katie. Her report was dead on and my session with her provided helpful insight as well as reassurance that I am on the right path. Thank you, Katie!

Monica Hope-Jones Babich May 10 2018

Katie is incredible. It’s like she could see right through me. What a wonderful, warm manner, too. A true gem of a lightworker.

Maria Gavin May 27 ·2018

Amazing. Very sweet, right on, compassionate and specific. There are no words. Truly wonderful.

Pamela Hall Marks  5 star May 12, 2017 ·

Florence Iwegbue  5 star March 10, 2017 ·


Ricci Carole King  5 star March 9, 2017 ·

Linda Kreider Riak July 20 ·

Amazing experience! I am hopeful I am finally on the path to life long health

Brittany Roche  June 4 ·

Thank you Katie for all your help �

Lydia McCutchen June 3 ·

Wonderful reading with Katie. Her report was dead on and my session with her provided helpful insight as well as reassurance that I am on the right path. Thank you, Katie!